Domino Loop Cards Maker

If you don’t enjoy revising, then you’re doing it wrong

domino card app icon


Why we made this app

The app was designed mainly as a tool for teachers and educators to help make their lessons and training more fun and enjoyable.
It can also be used for puzzle enthusiasts to create puzzles and use them at parties and events.
The app allows the users to type keywords, definitions and even photos to describe objects and concepts. Each card had on top the answer to another card.

How to use it 

After the Domino Puzzle is generated, the app produces the file in PDF format, which can be exported via email and printed.
The app allows the puzzles to be saved once they have been generated and they can also be edited/adapted if needed.
The support button allows the user to send an email message straight to our development team. Any suggestions and feedback are welcome, even new ideas.

creates amaging
loop cards


saves puzzles

allows editing of puzzles

Great Support